FREE bonus 2nd filter set on select Winix and Ionmax air purifiers!
FREE bonus 2nd filter set on select Winix and Ionmax air purifiers!
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Giving Back

At Healthy Habitats, we believe in giving back to local communities across Australia.

The nature of our work strongly aligns with supporting people suffering the impacts of extreme weather events, emergencies and natural disasters.

Dehumidifiers help communities impacted by flooding, water filters play an important role in ensuring access to clean water, and air purifiers support infection control and help counteract the effects of pollution, including during bushfires.

Through Australian fundraising platform GIVIT, Healthy Habitats is proud to support communities during times of need in a range of ways, such as:

  • Contributing a percentage of profits to Appeals
  • Pledging a fixed dollar amount per sale to relief efforts
  • Donating sought after items to individuals
  • Hosting fundraisers to provide an avenue for our customers to give back to communities

Our latest campaign supported communities impacted by flooding in NSW and QLD by providing much needed funds towards emergency relief efforts.

Thank you to all of our loyal customers for your support. Without you, our Giving Back program would not be possible.